Hire Python Developer & Fix Bad Programming Practices

Is your Python programming not so effective, which is why your productivity is decreasing? This blog will shed light on how opting for Python development services from a skilled and seasoned Python web development company can increase your ROI & productivity.

Here are some unique approaches or Python development tips and tricks that professional developers use to fix bad programming practices.

1) Make Use Of F-Strings

F-string is a widely used and essential utility offered by the Python programming language. It makes string concatenation seamless using a minimal amount of syntax. In short, using an f-string can easily combine both variables and string characters.

For example,

fruit = “Banana”

color = “Yellow”

print (“%s is delicious. It is %s in color.” % (fruit, color))

print (“{0} is delicious. It is {1} in color.” .format (fruit, color))


Banana is delicious. It is Yellow in color.

Banana is delicious. It is Yellow in color.

Let us try this statement with the help of the f-string. Here is a code for it.

print(f”{fruit} is delicious. It is {color} in color.”)


Banana is delicious. It is Yellow in color.

Keep in mind that f-strings are available only in the version greater than Python 3.6. Usually, when the code becomes lengthy, and you want to improve the readability of code, you should start using f-strings to get better results. 

2)Use Try & Except Statements

There are some instances where you want to run execution even after a specific condition was fulfilled. However, they could not do it because of the error message displayed. When the error message is displayed, the program will automatically be terminated.

If you want to avoid such a situation during the Python web development of your project, you can use the try and except code block. Whenever the condition is satisfied, the code written in the try statement will be executed. When the condition is not satisfied, the code in the except condition will be executed.

For example:

C = 20

D = 0


E = C/D

Print (f”Division Successful, The Quotient Is {E}”)


print(“Zero Division Error Has Most Likely Occurred.”)


Zero Division Error Has Most Likely Occurred.

3)Get In-Depth Knowledge Of Mathematical Operations

Whatever programming language you learn, there is a high chance that you will face some issues that will require you to use your mathematical skills. That’s why it is vital for you to have knowledge of some basic mathematical utilities that are offered by Python. Here are a few basic mathematical functionalities that every Python programmer should know how to use.

N = 10

M = 5

add = N + M

sub = N – M

mult = N * M

div = N / M

floor_div = N//M

mod = N % M

exp = N ** M


Addition = 15

Subtraction = 5

Multiplication = 50

Quotient = 2.0

Floor Division = 2

Reminder = 0

Exponential Operation = 100000

Besides these, there are other mathematical operations offered by Python. In Python web development, you can even have access to the math library. 

For example,

import math

a = 7.8

print(“The rounded value is:”, round(a))

print(“The ceiled value is:”, math.ceil(a))

print(“The floored value is:”, math.floor(a))


The rounded value is: 8

The ceiled value is: 8

The floored value is: 7

4) Use Multiple Python Files

When you need to handle complex projects, you need to write multiple lines of code to complete the project. Sometimes these lines can be thousands or hundreds of lines. At the time of working on such projects, it is prudent to divide the content into separate files and make use of functions and classes to increase the overall efficiency.

For example, if you are working on a gaming project, it is good to utilize a few or more Python files to divide the code accordingly. You can separate the Python files for assets, utilities, and other required functions. In the main Python file, you can import all other programming files and create the necessary code. By doing so, the readability of the Python web development project will also increase.

5) Make Use of Better Debugging Techniques.

When you get any error while working on Python code, usually, it will get you to the specific line that shows the location of the bug. These mistakes can be logical, syntax, or run-time warnings. Most of the syntax-related errors can be easily solved, but when you are stuck at a specific point in your code for a long time, if you follow proper debugging techniques, it will be helpful. 

You can use print statements to ensure your project goes as expected. Even you can comment off these statements and remove them, but at the time of working on a project, ensure you use them. It will help you in the proper debugging of your project. Once you are clear about basic Python programming, you can make use of Python IDE instead of a simple text editor. It will help you to identify smaller errors or sometimes bigger bugs by highlighting the instances. IDE can easily interpret it. You can even make use of Google search, GitHub, or StackOverflow, whenever you get stuck somewhere. 

Wrapping Up

Programming is no more rocket science. If you understand its basics properly, it can be really easy. However, no matter how much pro you are in programming, you will find some issues that you won’t be able to solve easily. In such a case, you can take the help of a proficient Python web development service provider.

Hopefully, this blog has helped you to understand which Python development tips and tricks experts use to skyrocket their productivity. Still, if you are unsure about it and need the help of a professional Python developer, you can connect with us today. At LogicRays, we even offer Laravel development services. So, get in touch with us to know more about our services.

What Role Does Python Development Company Play To Help You Become Successful Data Scientist?

If you are searching for an exciting career opportunity that provides you with tremendous growth, data science is the perfect pick. However, to become a successful data scientist, you must select the programming language carefully. These days, Python is the most popular language if you are planning to become a data scientist. For that, you can even enroll in the Python course from the reputed Python development company.

In this blog, we will discuss why learning Python is beneficial to becoming a successful data scientist.

You might be wondering why is it so important to learn Python in the data science industry when there are other excellent scientific languages such as R, MATLAB, and Julia. What is so special in Python that has made it so successful as other programming languages?

Read on to learn a few reasons behind the popularity of Python for data scientists. However, before we deep dive into the popularity reasons of Python, first, understand what data science is.

What Is Data Science?

Data science is not a completely new discipline, but it has become quite popular in the last decade. It is a professional field in which data scientists extract value from data using scientific methods, algorithms, and other techniques. Data scientists every day sift through large data sets, extract what matters, and provide businesses with clear, concise, easy-to-understand insights.

Here is a list of common tasks that data scientists do daily.

  • Researching and thoroughly understanding datasets
  • Collecting data from external sources
  • Cleaning & preparing datasets for the analysis
  • Extracting complex insights using scientific methods and statistical means.
  • Generating reports, reporting pipelines, & dashboards
  • They even produce statistical models for predictive/data mining purposes.

Now, as you know what data science is, let’s understand why Python is popular in data science. 

Why Learn Python If You Want To Become A Data Scientist?

Nowadays, Python is a widely used language globally by data scientists. If you want to become a data scientist and do not know Python then you should enroll in a Python, course in a reputed Python development company like LogicRays, and learn from experts.

Here are a few reasons why Python is popular among Data Scientists. 

Simple Language
Python is one of the simplest languages to start with. It is easy to understand and easy to read. The best thing about it is its simplicity does not limit the functionalities you want to include in your site or product. There are the following reasons that give Python such kind of flexibility.

  • It is a free & open-source language.
  • Python is a high-level programming language.
  • It is interpreted & huge community.

Besides all these, you need to type far less while coding in Python as compared to other languages. 

For example, 

In Java

Public class Hello


Public static void main (String[] args)


System.out.println(“Hello world”);



Whereas in Python

print(“Hello world”)

It is that SIMPLE.

Highly Scalable
Python is a highly scalable programming language. It means it has more and more possibilities that will be useful for any issue in app development. You do not need to spend more time finding memory leaks, compilation, or segmentation faults. If you are a non-Python programmer but know how to code in C++, you can easily learn this language. 

Comprehensive Set Of Data Science Libraries & Frameworks
Due to its simple syntax, easy vocab, massive community, and readability, Python is popular among data scientists. However, besides all these benefits, there are libraries like Pandas, NumPy, SciPy, stat models, and Scikit-Learn is quite popular in data science communities. These libraries and frameworks address various data science needs such as data structure handling, algorithm and toolkits for ML, and analyzing complex networks.

Data Cleaning is Easy & Breeze
If you want to become a data scientist, you need to deal with data scrubbing, cleaning, massaging, and wrangling daily. That’s why it is vital to learn Python because this language is built to clean. Two libraries NumPy and Pandas are excellent at cleaning data.

Once you are done with data cleaning, the next big problem is to communicate your findings with the key stakeholders. Data science is not all about a few lines of code, but effective data visualization is crucial for that. Data visualization gives a clear idea of what information means by providing visual context through maps or graphs.


In summary, from this article, you will get a few Python development tips for beginners and understand why it is vital to learn Python if you want to become a data scientist. In this blog, we have curated many reasons. However, it is up to you which reason will be the main reason for you to learn Python. We suggest that you should certainly consider learning Python because of its possibilities and continuous improvement. It will help you to build extraordinary products and businesses.

If you are looking to Hire Python developer or want to learn Python, you can get in touch with LogicRays – The best Python development company. 

Latest 10 Python Development Tips for Beginners.

Dear future rockstar Python programmer, thanks for choosing the process of learning something huge from scratch or, let’s say, Python’s beginner’s roadmap. So, are you up to learning Python from scratch? Yeah, this is one of the most basic & really helpful mediums you’ve chosen, and that’s what ‘Python beginner guide’ will tell you. Basically, there are many other sources where you may see videos like ‘Learn python in one hour’ and so on. But this one is different. Our blog, ‘Python Beginner Guide’, would surely clear your fundamentals & give you light guidance about it.

Learning a programming language is limited to a particular set of people. And congrats for being included in that list. As mentioned in the source itself, Python is a programming language that lets you work quickly.

What is the significance of understanding how to learn? The explanation is straightforward: when languages change, libraries are built, and tools are improved. Keeping up with these developments and being a great programmer will need knowing how to learn. We know that you agree on this point as you move ahead in the ‘Python beginner guide, right?

Stick To The It – Python Beginner Guide

Being a newbie in the coding field can be challenging. We are not scaring you, though. It is simple if you follow a certain system in your life. They are waiting to be read by you below!

  • Code Regularly
    Keep the word ‘consistency’ in the center as you implement the ‘Coding Regularly ritual’ in your lifestyle. We suggest committing to coding every day. It may be difficult to believe, but muscle memory plays a significant role in programming.

    Giving an ample amount of time to coding on a daily basis would surely help in the development of muscle memory. Though it may be overwhelming at first, consider starting with 25 minutes per day and gradually increasing your time. Once you are habitual, you world set the bars for yourself! 
  • Start Writing Code
    As you evolve as a programmer, you may wonder whether you should be taking notes. You absolutely should! In fact, some studies claim that taking notes by hand is best for long-term memory. This will be especially useful for individuals aspiring to be full-time developers, as many interviews will require them to write code on a whiteboard.

    When you first begin working on tiny projects and programs, writing by hand may also help you design your code before moving to the computer. You can save a lot of time if you lay out the functions and classes you’ll require and how they’ll interact.
  • Interactive Python Shell
    The interactive Python shell will be one of your finest learning tools, whether you are learning about basic Python data structures (strings, lists, dictionaries, etc.) for the first time or troubleshooting an application.

    To utilize the interactive Python shell (also known as a “Python REPL”), you must first install Python on your computer #JustAFrankAdvice. 
  • It’s Ok To Take Breaks
    See, there is no sin in taking breaks, especially when you’re learning something new & topics like Python. So, to all reading this blog ‘Python Beginner Guide’, IT’S OK TO TAKE a BREAK. Taking pauses is essential for a productive study session, especially while absorbing a lot of new knowledge.

    When debugging, breaks are extremely crucial. Take a pause if you face a bug and are not able to understand what’s wrong. Take a pause from your computer by do whatever you like. Your code in programming must rigorously comply with the principles of a language and logic; consequently, even a single missing quotation mark might wreck everything. A fresh pair of eyes may make all the difference.

    Also Read: Node Js vs Python
  • Hunt the Bugs
    Speaking of bugs, it is next to impossible to avoid once you begin building complex applications. It occurs to everyone! Don’t let bugs attack you. Instead, take joy in these times and see yourself as a bug bounty hunter. It is critical to take a methodical approach while debugging to assist you in locating where things are breaking down.

    Work with Others Like a Complete Team: There is no sense in working alone, especially when it comes to ‘Python Beginner Guide’. Also, we have already given you some tips for learning python you must stick to. Now, let’s explore some ideas to help you in working with others. 
  • Learn with Learners
    Coding may seem to be done by you only, alone. But here’s the deal, why can’t you do the same with those who are on the same page as you. When learning to code in Python, it is critical that you surround yourself with other individuals who are also learning. This allows you to share the tips and techniques you’ve picked up along the journey.
  • Teach Others 
    It is claimed that teaching something is the greatest way to learn it. This is especially true when studying Python. There are several ways to accomplish this, including whiteboarding with other Python enthusiasts, writing blog entries describing freshly acquired ideas, producing videos in which you explain what you learned, and simply chatting to yourself at your computer. Each of these tactics will help to consolidate your comprehension while also exposing any gaps in your knowledge.
  • Driver & Navigator
    Pair programming is a process in which two developers collaborate on a single workstation to execute a task. The two developers alternate between the roles of “driver” and “navigator.” The “driver” creates the code, while the “navigator” assists in issue solving and examining the code as it is created. Switch regularly to welcome benefits from both sides.

    Pair programming has numerous advantages: it allows you to not only have someone examine your code but also to understand how someone else could think about an issue. Being exposed to a variety of concepts and methods of thinking will aid you in problem-solving when you return to coding on your own.
  • Keep on Asking Questions
    For some time or for a lifetime, keep your ego aside & keep on asking questions. It can be the dumbest questions or the smartest questions; it is important to ask when you are deadlocked.

    Stick to the context, have your note of analysis, think first about how you’re gonna deal with the issue and then shoot questions to the right person or medium. And yes, don’t think that the other person would judge you based on your questions. In general, they would be more than happy to guide you.
  • Build Anything, but Build 
    For newbies, there are numerous little workouts that can help you gain confidence in Python as well as create the muscle memory that we discussed before. It’s time to start constructing once you’ve mastered basic data structures (strings, lists, dictionaries, and sets), object-oriented programming, and class creation.

    It’s not so much about what you make as it is about how you construct it. The adventure of constructing will certainly educate you the most. Reading Real Python articles and classes can only teach you so much. The majority of your learning will come through building something with Python. You will learn a lot from the issues during the process as you will solve them.


Hope you understood all the points mentioned in ‘Python Beginner Guide’. Also, we just need to say that these were some python basics points made just for you so that your journey in learning turns smooth.

So, in case you require any services related to Python’s Flask and Django, you’re just a call away from taking our expert & professional services at a reasonable rate. Our team focuses on the best practices for Python programming. Build your business website with us like no other & stand unique and best in the market with our expert python developers! 

Why is Python a Best fit for Big Data?

“Python Language Is One Example. As We Noted Above. It Is Also Heavily Used For Mathematical And Scientific Papers. And Will Probably Dominate That Niche For Many Years Yet. – Eric S. Raymond”

Wherever you go, Python is everywhere! 

So, Why is Python a best fit for Big Data?

Python is designed in a way that is easy to write and read. Not being a complex language, gives it the benefit of more usage. According to Stack Overflow Trend, Python is acknowledged as the fastest-growing programming language.

Today, Python is taking over the world in its best way. Python takes the Top spot for the  fourth time as Most Popular Technologies in 2020. According to the responses of more than 60,000 developers around the world, Python is considered as the third “most loved” programming language. 

Python is an interpreted, open-source, general-purpose, and object-oriented programming language. creating the world’s top applications such as Instagram, Google, Spotify, Uber, Pinterest, Reddit, etc. 

Big data is the most precious commodity in this era. Someone said that “The Future of IT is Big Data”, well that is true, but how? 

Let’s start with the basics of “What exactly Big Data is?”. 

“Big Data is a huge cluster of data that is enormous in size and volume. 

The raw data comes with a large size and numerous complexity that no traditional tool can store, handle, and process it precisely. In short, Big data is data of large size. 

Big size companies possess a huge bundle of data, where processing, and analyzing it can take a pretty much large amount of time, and the results may not be precise. Selecting a programming language for Big Data is a project-specific task, that depends on its goal. It doesn’t matter what projects, Python is best fit for Big Data. 

But Why Python for Big Data? 

When people started combining Python and Big Data, the scenario of the marketplace changed and now, Big Data is much more efficient and easy to understand, because Python has made it easy to use and understandable for every developer. Python is in enormous demand among all Big Data Companies right now. 

Here, we will discuss why using python for Big Data is beneficial. 

#1 Open- Source

Open source is software in which the original code is released under a license. This code can be altered, modified, and enhanced according to developers needs. 

Python is an Open source programming language, thus, it supports multiple platforms. Python also supports environments like Linux, Windows, and MacOS. 

Instead of wasting time in technical terms of language, the simple, clean, and readable syntax helps Big Data experts to focus on case managing Big data easily. This is one of the main reasons to opt for Python for Big Data. 

Most Popular Programming Languages

#2 Simple and Minimal Coding 

Minimal codes in Python programming make it extensively used, compared to other languages that are available for programming. Python is known for its execution in a few lines of code. Moreover, it automatically provides help to associate and identify various data types. 

If you or someone has an idea, all you have to do is think and write 5-10 lines of code and there you go! Your program is ready to use. 

This programming language follows an indentation-based nesting i.e. structure instead of braces to structure any program in it. This language can bear a heavy and complicated task in just a click of time. That data computes in commodity machines, clouds, desktop, and laptop.

In the beginning, python was considered a slow language compared to its equivalents like Scala and Java. Now, the scenario has taken a turn of 360 since then. 

When Anaconda platform arrived in market, it came with a great speed to analyze the code. This is why Python for Big Data became the best option for everyone. 

Your Python project works best when you Hire Python Developer who can add the essence and benefits of python in your business.  

#3 Speed 

Python is highly popular for its high speed to analyze the code and for software development. The precision of Python to analyze code is perfect, because of that Python is the most appropriate choice for Big Data. It supports prototyping ideas that help to make the code run faster.

While doing so, Python also maintains the transparency between the process and the code. 

 After Anaconda entered the market, the whole scenario of working on python language changed. It came with a speed that made everything in it useful. Python programming makes sure that the code is transparent and readable.

Such speed made python more powerful, and Big Data can use that speed to make the development faster. 

#4 Libraries of Python for Big Data

Python offers a large set of standard libraries that includes corners like stings operations, internet protocols, operating system interface, and web service tool.

The standard library sets contain frequently used programming languages to make coding easier and smaller.

Python provides multiple useful libraries of your wish. This makes Python a famous programming language in the area of scientific computing. 

Big data, as the word suggests, it involves a huge amount of data analysis and computation. These libraries make the work easier for Big Data Analytics.

Python offers numerous pre-tested analytics libraries. Big Data Analytics uses these libraries filled with packages, such as:

  • Data Analysis: Inspecting, cleaning, modeling, and transforming any size of data (Large or Small) to discover some useful information for predicting the future of business on the basis of current information. 
  • Statistical Analysis: It is the process of collecting and analyzing the data, in order to analyze the trend and pattern.  
  • Machine Learning: As the name suggests, ML is programming a computer in such a way that it learns everything from different kinds of data on its own. Machine Learning uses python libraries like Numpy, Scikit-learn, Theano, TensorFlow, Keras, Pandas, PyTorch, and Matplotlib. 
  • Numerical Computing: Scientific computation is done by this. Scientific computing contains Scipy, Pandas, IPython, Natural language Toolkit, and Numeric python. 
  • Data Visualization: It gives many insights that data alone cannot provide. When you visualize the information, you bring your mind into the landscape that you explore with your eyes, like an information map in front of your eyes. Visualization libraries contain Matplotlib, Plotly, Seaborn, ggplot, and Altair. 
Library Features

 #5 Compatibility of Python with Hadoop

Hadoop’s framework is made using Java programming language. Hadoop programs also use C++ and Python. It means that even if the data architects don’t know anything about java, they can use python as an option. When you compare Java with Python, it is much easier to use python because of its small codes and high speed. 

Compared to other programming languages, Hadoop is more compatible with python. You can incorporate all the features into your business. For this, you will have to Hire Python Developer who is good with the skills. 

About Pydoop Package

Pydoop package is an interface of python to hadoop that gives you authority to write MapReduce applications and interact with HDFS applications in python. 

HDFS API let’s you write and read different information on directories, global file system properties without facing any problem. 

Pydoop provides MapReduce API for solving tough and complex problems with minimal programming. This API implements advanced data science concepts like ‘Record Reader’ and ‘Counter’, which makes Python the best fit for Big Data. 

#6 Data Processing Support 

Python comes with an inbuilt feature of supporting data processing. Data processing for unconventional and unstructured data. uses this feature. This is the main reason why big data analytics companies choose python over every option.

#7 Scope of Python for Big Data

Python is an object-oriented language that supports high-level data structures. It allows users to simplify all data operations. Python manages some of the data structures i.e. lists, dictionaries, tuples, sets, etc. Other than this, Python also supports scientific computing operations such as data frames, matrix operations, etc. 

These astonishing features of Python help to enhance the scope of language by enabling it to increase speed of data operations. This makes Python and Big Data the most charming and useful combination. That’s why python a best fit for Big Data.

Stack Overflow

Before We Apart

Now, You may have a clearer picture in front of you now about why Python is best fit for Big Data. To understand it more clearly, you will have to go deep into it and understand every single bit of it because Big Data is like a star in the universe, no matter how far you go, it will never reach its limit of learning. 

“Data is a precious thing and will last longer than the systems themselves.”- Tim Berners-Lee

Big Data technology is spreading across the world, people are learning and advancing themselves every day. It can be a very flinty task, but knowing why Python a best fit for Big Data will for sure help you make your way through learning Big data using Python.